How do we go beyond Sustainable Development
to enrich neighborhoods for future generations
while replenishing natural ecosystems?
Regenerative Placemaking: A New Design Logic
Defined as a strategic process of (re)igniting people’s relationship to socio-ecological systems through place-specific activations, Regenerative Placemaking harnesses the key strengths of regenerative development and placemaking practices.
Read on to learn how we’re creating the Future of Cities through Regenerative Placemaking with Dominique Hes.

Recently, Future of Cities held its inaugural community salon in Lisbon, Portugal, co-hosted by Slow Hospitality and Re:Build.
Sign up for our email newsletter to stay abreast of the many ways in which Future of Cities is engaging communities in Regenerative Placemaking across the globe.

If you’d like to learn more, participate in or host a salon on Regenerative Development, we invite you to reach out.